There is always room for improvement in logistics! That’s why we are happy to hold discussions with you in order to work together on translating your ambitions into practical logistics automation solutions, which we implement gradually and in line with your needs. This ensures that they line up exactly with your objectives, capacity, systems and processes.

Partner Details

Methec B V


+31 (0)888 318 100



Mercurion 24 B -

Zevenaar, Netherlands 6903 PZ

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Mercurion 24 B -
Zevenaar, Netherlands 6903 PZ Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)888 318 100




Take control of your warehouse firmly with a Warehouse Management system (WMS), Warehouse Control system (WCS) or Warehouse Execution system (WES)! Gain more insight into inbound, storage and order picking. Manage employees and automatic transport and storage systems digitally and efficiently. And reduce errors and checks!

Collect, sort and pack your orders paperless with RF scanning, voice picking, pick to cart, pick to light or put to light. This way you deliver super fast and errors and unnecessary checks are a thing of the past!

Make your factory, warehouse and field service paperless by giving employees mobile access to your ERP system. This way you always have insight into the current status on the work floor and in your stocks. And you prevent administration, errors and time-consuming checks!

Choose an optimal warehouse layout where employees work efficiently with systems for automatic transport and storage. This way you save running meters and storage space!

Prepare for a paperless and digital future with mobile computers and wireless networks. This way your employees always work directly in your business applications. Wherever they are: in your warehouse, factory or in the field!

Get more insight into your processes and goods flows with modern scanning and printing solutions. Increase reliability and comply with laws and regulations by automatically identifying and tracing goods!





Voice picking zorgt ervoor dat de medewerkers in uw magazijn efficiënt werken en geen fouten maken. Stap voor stap krijgen zij op hun koptelefoon de juiste ...

Warehouse Management (WMS)

Warehouse Management (WMS)

Met een Warehouse Management Systeem (WMS) krijgt u meer inzicht en sturing in uw magazijn. Het WMS stuurt uw processen en medewerkers aan. Zodat ze ...